Published on June 21, 2016 By WheelsPJ In ObjectDock

Is there any word when ObjectDock and Windows 10 will be compatible?  

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on Jun 21, 2016

Objectdock does work on Win10 but is not yet supported on that OS. I'm running Win10 with Objectdock installed and it works good.

on Jun 21, 2016

Good news. Thanks.

on Jun 21, 2016

ObjectDock has some known issues on Windows 10 such as blank running tasks showing.  This is why it is not supported on Windows 10.

on Jun 27, 2016

hi there,


is there any possibility to find out, when it´s gonna be supported on win 10, because it´s for me one of the best app from Stardock, i hope, too...


@Uvah: how do you run it on windows 10? with compatibility mode for windows 8?


because i have some problems on win 10...

on Jun 27, 2016

For the most part, ObjectDock installs and works fine on Windows 10. As mentioned above, there are a few issues so that is why it's not officially supported.

on Jun 28, 2016

As was mentioned in another thread objectdock is more or less a hit and miss on Win10. For some it works but not for everyone. I just got lucky I guess. I do have the issue with the running task with no icon on the dock but I know what program that is, Settings. For me its not a big deal.

on Jul 06, 2016

Freezes and hanging on Windows 10! It works, but very bad. I disappointed, that such little app cannot be optimized well! Even Rocket Dock works better! Shame on you Stardock, I had better opinion about you..

on Jul 06, 2016


Freezes and hanging on Windows 10! It works, but very bad. I disappointed, that such little app cannot be optimized well! Even Rocket Dock works better! Shame on you Stardock, I had better opinion about you..

ObjectDock is not supported on Windows 10.

We have been very clear about that.

on Jul 06, 2016

Neil Banfield

Quoting ikuranoff,

Freezes and hanging on Windows 10! It works, but very bad. I disappointed, that such little app cannot be optimized well! Even Rocket Dock works better! Shame on you Stardock, I had better opinion about you..

ObjectDock is not supported on Windows 10.

We have been very clear about that.


Okay, how will you explain the same problem on other OS? Windows 7, Windows 8?

on Jul 07, 2016

I understand that you say it's not supported on Windows 10, yet you keep sending me emails asking me to buy it to use on Windows 10 along with all your other products.  That's the part I don't understand.  Also why I usually don't pay attention to them much any more.

As for me, it usually works well, but will often hang when I close a window of any kind and force me to wait indiscriminate amounts of time before allowing me to use it again.  Had similar issues with Windows 8.1, but never this bad (which is funny, considering 8 is supported but 10 isn't).

Still using it, though, if that says anything.

on Jul 07, 2016


I understand that you say it's not supported on Windows 10, yet you keep sending me emails asking me to buy it to use on Windows 10 along with all your other products.  That's the part I don't understand.  Also why I usually don't pay attention to them much any more.

As for me, it usually works well, but will often hang when I close a window of any kind and force me to wait indiscriminate amounts of time before allowing me to use it again.  Had similar issues with Windows 8.1, but never this bad (which is funny, considering 8 is supported but 10 isn't).

Still using it, though, if that says anything.

Can you post a screenshot of the emails you get asking you to buy it to run it on Windows 10?

on Apr 10, 2017

Hi guys!

An old thread....many ask about support for Windows 10 and the reply is it isn't supported....

Is there a plan to support this version of Windows as it is the latest and the last one from Microsoft...

I, like many others, have paid for objectdock and would like a straight answer to this question and not that it isn't supported...

Please forgive me if I am not aware of updated information regarding Windows 10



on Apr 10, 2017

I think this is no indication of being obfuscated about condition of ObjectDock for Stardock: it's on hiatus. No Win10 supported yet. Crystal clear. 

on Apr 12, 2017

Thanks for your reply...then I will have to look else where...such a shame...



on Apr 13, 2017

Hi again!

I for one would gladly pay for a new version of objectdock that is designed for Windows 10. I never assumed that once I bought the product it would mean for all versions of Windows....

For the most part the dock is working....

One thing that others may have noticed is the fact that even if you turn off the background apps in Windows 10 a white dot appears on the dock to signify an app is active...and when you click on it it then opens it to the "settings" window....once that is shut there is the "store" app to shut as well....

This happens after running windows for a while and when they are shut "xbox" app window opens....

Is anyone else experiencing such problems?



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